Welcome to the Torpoint Neighbourhood Development Plan website
29th January 2024 Update
The Torpoint Neighbourhood Development Plan has been forwarded to Cornwall Council for legal compliance. A Regulation 16 Consultation will commence in due course, the latest version of the plan is available here.
Torpoint Neighbourhood Development Plan - Regulation 14 Consultation is now completed
Comments on the draft plan can be made online at app.gocollaborate.co.uk/cornwall/torpoint-ndp.
The plan is available to view at https://www.torpointplan.org.uk/data/uploads/523_429367394.pdf or by visiting the exhibition stand at Torpoint Library and Community Hub where hard copies are available. The consultation ends at 5.00pm on Thursday 9th November 2023.
If you have any questions about the consultation or for further information please email clerk@torpointtowncouncil.gov.uk.
Torpoint Neighbourhood Development Plan Update February 2023
Over the last few years, work on our Neighbourhood Development Plan (NDP) has regularly continued by the town’s representative steering group. Once approved by residents, the proposed plan provides the framework and direction to facilitate the delivery of much needed new housing and employment within Torpoint. We are currently undertaking a statutory environment and habitat assessment of our proposals, which will be followed in early summer by a full and inclusive community consultation, before a potential referendum next year. Lookout for further newsletters and information on the website.
February 2021 update:
The Neighbourhood Development Plan Steering Group are progressing the work towards the next submission stage of the Torpoint Neighbouhood Development Plan. Residents' will recall the consultations and events undertaken which led to the adoption of the Vision for Torpoint and the first draft of the Neighbourhood Plan. The draft was submitted to Cornwall Council and the supporting statutory planning authorities for initial queries and comments, of which there were a large number.
Over the last 18 months the Town Council has continued to engage with planning consultants to support the Steering Group to incorporate and revise the draft with the Strategic and Site Specific Policies. The next stage of the Neighbourhood Development Plan process is for the appointed consultants to consolidate the updated information into one document, which will then be submitted for Pre-Submission consultation to Cornwall Council. If you are interested in supporting the development of the Neighbourhood Plan, or want to hear more, please contact the Town Clerk, admin@torpointtowncouncil.gov.uk.
This website is intended to act as the hub for the Torpoint Plan. Within this website you will be able to explore the knowledge base that we will be building from the feedback we receive from you, the community.
Our knowledge base is presented to you in the form of the documentation which will be added from time to time.
We would love to receive your thoughts, comments or feedback, please contact us at the address provided at the bottom of this page.
Come back regularly to keep up to date with our progress and have your say on the future development in your town.
Torpoint Nursery and Infant School mapping out the future of Torpoint