News Archive
Launch of Vision for Torpoint July 2016
The Vision for Torpoint was adopted by Torpoint Town Council at its meeting in April and was officially presented to the Town at the Annual Parish Meeting on 26th May Local residents heard a presentation on the Vision by Neil Emery of Clifton Emery Design Limited and were given an opportunity to comment and ask questions. Members of the Neighbourhood Development Plan Steering Group were presented with copies of the plan and the Town Mayor Councillor M John Crago thanked them for their hard work and dedication over the last twelve months. The Mayor had great pleasure in handing a copy of the Vision for Torpoint to Mrs Rosemary Pellew from the Torpoint Archives. Copies of the Vision are available to read at the Torpoint Library, the Council Offices or electronically at: Members of the Neighbourhood Development Plan Steering Group have recently undertaken training made available to them through Cornwall Council and are currently working on writing the Plan Policies which will be presented to the people of Torpoint for their approval through a referendum. If you want to get involved in this exciting town project it is not too late, the Steering Group are looking for enthusiastic new members who would like to be involved in the delivery of the Vision for Torpoint. If you are interested please contact: Secretariat, Torpoint Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group email:, Tel: 01752 814165, January 2022
Neighbourhood Plan is submitted to Cornwall Council for Strategic Environmental Assessment
The Neighbourhood Development Plan has been submitted to Cornwall Council for Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA). The Cornwall Council officer consultation is from 25th July until 15th August 2017. It is hoped that the results of the consultation will be available by the next steering group meeting scheduled for Monday 11th September 2017. If you are interested in supporting the development of the Neighbourhood Plan, or want to hear more, please come along to the meeting which commences at 7.00pm and is held in the Committee Room of the Council Chambers.
4 August 2017
Draft Neighbouhood Plan consultation closes March 2017
At the steering group meeting on Monday 6th March 2017 members reviewed the comments made in response to the draft neighbourhood plan consultation which ran for the month of February 2017. A record of the comments and the outcomes of the discussions will be posted on the website in the next few days. The comments and changes will now be passed to the engaged planning consultant to update the draft document before going to the town council for adoption of the draft neighbourhood plan. Once adopted by Torpoint town council the document will be forwarded to Cornwall Council for their consideration.
Steering group members wishes to thank all those who have taken the time to make comments or attend events on the draft neighbourhood plan document.
7 March 2017
Landscape Institute Awards 2016 - Urban design and masterplanning
Torpoint Town Council and the Torpoint Neighbourhood Development Plan group have won a prestigious National Urban Design award from the Landscape Institute for its work on the Torpoint Vision. The award was presented to the Mayor of Torpoint, Clifton Emery Design and representatives at an awards ceremony in London on Thursday 24 November.
The Torpoint Vision project was submitted to the Landscape Institute by partner agency Clifton Emery Design. The urban design agency have been working alongside Torpoint Town Council and the Torpoint Neighbourhood Development Plan group for the past eighteen months, and have taken the responses and feedback from residents and transformed it into a glittering vision of what Torpoint might look like in years to come.
The winning submission in the class of Urban Design sets out a physical vision for the South-East Cornwall town of Torpoint. The Vision will now underpin the Neighbourhood Development Plan, which the town is actively working towards.
The judges at the Landscape Institute Awards said that the Torpoint Vision "was a robust and deliverable project clearly supported by a fully-costed and realistically phased business plan – a piece of delightful work."
Neil Emery from Clifton Emery Design, who has been working with the Torpoint team from the beginning said "As a designer, it’s always an honour to be shortlisted for an award, but to win; that is a real achievement. On behalf of my team at Clifton Emery Design, I’d like to congratulate Torpoint on this impressive and prestigious award." He added, "As an agency, we are excited to continue to work with the town, to translate this vision into a reality."
The Town Mayor of Torpoint Councillor John Crago added, "This is a real honour for the townspeople of Torpoint; a symbol of all the hard graft and teamwork. We are very, very proud – today is a great day for Torpoint. Thank you to everyone who has played a part in our success so far."
The Torpoint Town Council would like to thank the following for all their contributions; Torpoint Neighbourhood Development Plan steering group, Neil Emery and the team at Clifton Emery Design, Neal Jillings at Jillings Heynes Planning and the residents of Torpoint for their ongoing commitment and support.
1 December 2016
Town council appoints planning consultants to draft the neighbourhood development plan
Torpoint Town Council have appointed Jillings Heynes planning consultants to draft the neighbourhood development plan document. The appointed consultants are meeting with the steering committee and councillors on Tuesday 22nd November 2016 to firstly tour the town, following by focused meetings to gain a better understanding of the town and its priorities for land use.18 November 2016
1st August 2016 update
We are now entering an exciting phase and will be posting items regularly to keep everyone up to date.
Tonight's meeting summary (one of many to come and these posts will be kept brief): a progress report and detail of the policy making issues was discussed, the housing group to meet soon before further consultation with Cornwall County Council; We will have a stand at the carnival on 24th September in Cambridge Field where we will be asking for volunteers and ideas so we can start a programme of improvements to small areas in the town, entitled 'Tidy Up Torpoint'; next meeting is on 5th September in the Council Chambers Committee Room at 7pm.
All are welcome to attend.
4 August 2016
Annual Town (Parish) Meeting will include a presentation on the Vision for Torpoint
Torpoint Town Council adopted the community led Vision for Torpoint at its meeting on 22nd April 2016. The Vision is the result of the last twelve months’ work of surveys, consultations and events by the Neighbourhood Development Plan Steering Group and includes over 1500 individual consultation responses from town residents, land owners and businesses. The Vision for Torpoint, funded by the Big Lottery Fund, is intended to be the blueprint for the future development of Torpoint.
The document will be officially presented to the town at the Annual Parish Meeting on Thursday 26th May at 6pm and will be accompanied by a short presentation. All residents of the town are welcome to attend the meeting. Following the presentation of the Vision a short time will be allowed for questions by residents.
The next stage of the Neighbourhood Development Plan process involves detailed policy drafting and is expected to take six months to complete and will form the draft Torpoint Neighbourhood Development Plan. Residents will continue to have the opportunity to express their views to the emerging Torpoint Neighbourhood Development Plan through future consultation events before a referendum on the adoption of the plan by residents in 2017.
18 May 2016
Publication of the Vision for Torpoint
The Communications group met on Friday 22nd April to discuss the forthcoming publication of the Vision for Torpoint.
This 175 page document is a result of the last twelve months’ work of surveys, results, consultations and events. This document will be considered by the Town Council and is expected to be the blueprint for the future development of Torpoint. The document will be officially handed over to the Town Council at the Annual Parish Meeting on Thursday 26th May, and will be accompanied by a short presentation from our partner consultants Clifton Emery Design Ltd.
The next stage of the project involves detailed policy development and drafting and is expected to take six months to complete to ensure compliance with Cornwall Council and national Framework guidelines.
3 May 2016
Update 12th January 2016
The first Neighbourhood Development Plan Steering group meeting of 2016 took place on 11th January 2016. Well-attended, the group also had the opportunity to talk with, and gain advice from Cornwall Council Neighbourhood Planning experts.
Following the release of the draft vision for Torpoint in January, feedback and comments have been flooding in to the group. The Steering Group are in the process of responding to the comments with a Frequently Asked Questions document which will be placed on the website and updated as necessary. In addition, the steering group decided to make a targeted approach to Torpoint businesses, to ask them for their feedback on the vision proposals.
The next meeting is Monday 8 February, all welcome.
12 January 2016
A Vision for Torpoint
A Vision for Torpoint leaflet is being distributed to all Torpoint residents via the Advertiser in early January 2016, a copy of the document is available HERE
6 January 2016
A vision for Torpoint
A vision for Torpoint was presented to members of the public on Saturday 21st November 2015. A leaflet summarising the Vision will be distributed to all residents of the town inside the January 2016 edition of the Advertiser.
15 December 2015
A Vision for Torpoint Consultation event
A public meeting was held on Saturday 21st November, where Clifton Emery Design Ltd presented their initial Vision for Torpoint. The work they are undertaking, on behalf of Torpoint Town Council, has been funded by the Big Lottery Fund. Consultation panels from the public can be downloaded here.30 November 2015
Appointed Planners update the steering group
Torpoint Town Council's appointed consultant planners, Clifton Emery Design, gave a progress update to Councillors and members of the steering committee on Tuesday 20th October in the Committee Room of the Council Chambers. The public are invited to here this progress at a Public meeting on Saturday 21st November, with presentations at 10.00 am, 12.00 noon and 2.00 pm.21 October 2015
Public Meeting Saturday 21st November 2015
There will be a Public Meeting in the Council Chambers, Torpoint on Saturday 21st November, with presentations at 10.00 am, 12.00 noon and 2.00 pm to find out how the Vision for Torpoint is evolving.14 October 2015
Library Consultations
Consultations are being held in Torpoint Library this week! Monday 28th, Wednesday 30th September and Friday 2nd October 10am to 12 noon. Come along and have your say!28 September 2015
Consultation at the Carnival!
Members of the Torpoint Neighbourhood Development steering Group were delighted to chat with so many townspeople over their Vision for Torpoint. Brief questionnaires were completed and the analysis will be available in the near future. Thanks to all those who gave their support at this event. Future roadshow dates to follow.14 September 2015
Progress so far - September 2015
Here are some photographs taken at Torpoint Carnival on Saturday 12th September 2015. Consultation questionnaires were completed by many who attended the stand and an analysis of the results will be available soon.
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12 September 2015
Progress so far - August 2015
Members of the Torpoint Neighbourhood Development Plan Steering Group are getting ready to meet the community face-to-face in a series of roadshow events, to enable people to continue to have their say on the future development of Torpoint. The first of these events will be a stand at the Torpoint Carnival on Saturday 12th September. Councillor Mrs. Andrea Johnson, Chair of the Torpoint Neighbourhood Development Plan Steering Group explained "our event at the carnival will give people the opportunity to look at our progress to date and add their comments. We look forward to seeing as may people as possible."
31 August 2015
Communications group meet
Members of the Communications working group met on Monday 3rd August 2015 to discuss the next stages of the Communication strategy. More detail will be provided a the forthcoming steering group meeting on Monday 10th August 2015, 7pm in the Committee Room of the Council Chambers.
Anyone local residents who would like to become involved in this project are welcome to attend the meeting.
4 August 2015
Tour of Torpoint
On Friday 31st July a small team, including members of the Town Council and Neighbourhood Development Plan steering group, met with the appointed town planners Clifton Emery design Ltd. and toured the town on minibus and via foot. This was a useful insight for the planners, who are now working with the Council and Neighbourhood Plan towards designing "A Vision for Torpoint".4 August 2015
Torpoint Neighbourhood Plan will be at the Carnival
Members of the Torpoint Neighbourhood Development Plan will be running a stall at the Torpoint Carnival on Saturday 12th September, in Cambridge Field. Come along to find out the progress made and give your views.
30 July 2015
1174 responses to our first Neighbourhood Plan Survey
Torpoint made its voice loud and clear when 1174 residents responded to the first of its kind household Neighbourhood Development Plan Survey.
To find out what Torpoint residents thought, see our Press Release.
5 July 2015
Progress so far - June 2015
A Neighbourhood Plan comprises the use and development of land within an area, in this case Torpoint. The community can contribute their ideas, likes and dislikes in respect of issues that matter to them be they facilities, housing, land use, environment, heritage, arts and so on. A Neighbourhood Plan, once it has passed through a number of steps, and been scrutinised by Cornwall Council, can then be voted upon by the local people. Once approved and accepted, the Neighbourhood Plan becomes law.
Over three and a half thousand surveys were hand delivered to all Torpoint residences by an army of local volunteers. The survey asked residents to share what they like and dislike about Torpoint, and what development(s) they would and would not like to see in the area.
Councillor Mrs Andrea Johnson, Chair of the Neighbourhood Development Plan Steering Group said, 'We are thrilled with the response rate to this survey. I am particularly delighted to see a strong response from the under 16s. The Steering Group felt very strongly that if the response rate from the youth was too low, the survey would not be representative enough of the town's opinions, and we are very grateful to the staff at Torpoint Community College, who made it possible for the students to access the survey.'
She added ' Looking after green spaces, waste management, house supply, protecting and preserving our wildlife, looking at ways to improve and redevelop the lower end of town and the waterfront, are coming through as strong themes for further exploration through the Neighbourhood Development Plan. We thank the residents of Torpoint for their time in putting their ideas down, so that we can begin to work through them.'
For further details of the survey results, click here to read our Press Release of 15 June 2015.
15 June 2015